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Elevate your AI evaluations

Get free evaluations of your AI system for the first 30 days.
No card details required.

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Every month

Analyse inference logs monthly for one domain

Get monthly evaluations 

Monitor two attributes

10k logs per month




Every month

Analyse inference logs bi-monthly for one domain

Get bi-weekly evaluations

Monitor five attributes

90k logs per month

BETA Premium



Every month

Analyse inference logs weekly for two domains

Get weekly evaluations

Monitor eight attributes

90k logs per month

✨ It only takes a few steps ✨

To use Palqee prisma BETA you need to provide access to logs of your AI model.
At a minimum this needs to include: 
  • AI input
  • Query prompt and referenced data (if applicably)
  • AI output
  • Time stamp
  • Optional but highly recommended: Meta data about usage (such as user department, role, geography, gender classification, age, etc.). Increases prisma's capability to evaluate AI performance in context.
Do you want to monitor performance reliability or unwanted bias? You can select more than one answer option.
What AI model type is it?
Machine Learning
Generative AI
Choose your preferred subscription
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